Front Row ...Dave Henderson, Bedford Hyde, Sherman Cain, Dick
Lippa, Chet Kwiatkowski, Mallie Reader, Ed Bushman, Barry McCord, Cecil
Callaway, ___ Telford, Dave Smart
Row 3 - Mr. Glenn Arbuckle, Terry Henderson, Bob Speer, Dennis Boyd,
Larry Voyles, Walt Zelivetz, Ron Madison and Jack Taylor.
Photo contributed by Dennis Boyd

Grade Lake Village Elementary, 1959
First Row: Principal Mr. Arbuckle, Pam Fox,
Chuckie Cain,
Josephine Steele, David Linderman, Penny Dawson, Greg Little, Betty
Eaton, Bobby Steele
Second Row: Linda Floyd, Leo, Peggy Bigger, Alice
Bradburn, Kirby Brownfield, Debbie Brown
Third Row: Walter Martin, Christine Bushman, David
Strain, Peggy Flatt, Eugene Veld, Brenda Bigger, Joe Divorak, Dolly
Fourth Row: Nancy Hendricks, Eddie, Jeanette
McDonald, Goldie, Wiley Stone,
Georgia Crowell, Debbie Patrick, David Page, Judy Brown
(Little Eddie was sick – 4th row, second
– and died that summer before second grade started.)
contributed by Georgia M (Crowell) Vallejos.
Grade Lake Village Elementary, 1960
First Row: Mr. Arbuckle, Mrs. Shiraco, Eugene
Peggy Flat, David Page, Pam Fox, Kirby Brownfield, Nancy Hendricks,
Second Row: Debbie Patrick, Vance Myers, Teresa Woodcox,
Georgia Crowell, David Strain, Dolly Allis
Third Row: David Linderman, Linda Floyd, Joe Divorak,
Jeanette McDonald, Bobby Steele, Christine Bushman, Greg Little, Penny
Dawson, Peewee
Fourth Row: Walter Martin, Judy Brown, Peggy Bigger,
Wiley Stone, Alice Bradburn, Chuckie Cain, Betty Eaton, Brenda Bigger.
Photo contributed by Georgia M
(Crowell) Vallejos.
1924-1925 Lake Village School Photo,
contributed by Dennis Boyd

Grades 6, 7 and 8, 1929-1930
Lake Village School Photo, contributed by Dennis Boyd

State Line School, Submitted by Dennis Boyd

Memories of the school,
submitted by:
Georgia (Crowell) Vallejos. Please visit the Lake Village School photos
for her first and second grade class photo of LV school. She discovered
this photo online and sent
along these memories:
me tell you about the school and the gymnasium. First grade was at the
top of the stairs going from the front door up. To the right of that
was second grade. Third/Fourth grade were held in the same room, at the
end of the hall to the left. I guess 5th and 6th
grades were upstairs, as was the principal’s office and his
little candy store. The rope to the bell hung down through the ceiling
and through the floor on the top floor, left, and top floor, right was
the office and candy store. Mr. Arbuckle sold Turkish taffy in banana,
vanilla, strawberry or chocolate, and you could buy a popsicle for a
dime, or a half for a nickel. Also there was slo-pokes and little bags
of potato chips. The cafeteria was in the basement, along with
Some of the kids in my class were Dolly
Allison, Wiley Stone, David Page, Alice Bradburn, Penny Dawson, Vance
Myers, Christine Henderson, Josephine Steele, Chuckie Cain, Brenda
Bigger, Eugene (?), David Page, Judy Brown, two different
Debbie’s and my best friend Betty Eaton.
The cafeteria ladies were farmer’s
wives from around town, and they put up a real farmer’s lunch
– all made from scratch. Buttered squash, fried chicken, green
beans, rhubarb cobbler with rhubarb from their own gardens. Amazing. I
work at a school in Utah, have been here for 20 years, and all they get
in the cafeteria is burgers, pizza, tacos and hot dogs. Yuck!
remember when they had the elections in the gymnasium that made JFK
president. Also remember the day he was shot. We were in the new
building then – I was in 5th grade. Mr. McDonald was
principal. I swear he looked and acted just like Don Knotts. He went
from room to room and told us the news, then had us all bow our heads
for a moment of silence. Then he dismissed school and had the busses
take us home.
On bad days, they took us to the
gym for recess, where we just ran around like madmen. The gym was
heated with these big air ducts built into the walls. Our favorite
thing to do was to sit in them (which they allowed) and climb up into
them (which was not allowed.) One air duct could hold 4 to 6 kids.
All the kids in my class played
together at recess – boys and girls. We played baseball, dodge
ball, red rover, statues, easter eggs, and sometimes my little group of
friends played a game called babysitter that one of the girls taught
us. We played it on the cement slab just below the bell. It went like
this; one girl was the mom, one was the babysitter, one was the witch,
and the rest were the children. It was a modified version of easter
eggs. The mom would say to the witch “I’m going downtown to
smoke my pipe, I won’t be back till Saturday night, if you let
the old witch in, I will chop your (head, leg, arm) off!” Then
the witch would come in and if she got through the babysitter, the kids
would run. Whoever the witch caught would be “out” and the
babysitter would lose whatever member the mom had said. The game was
over when all the kids were caught, or the babysitter ran out of limbs.
Anyway, one week we had been
playing this game every day, but one particular day I stayed home sick.
That day, when they rang the bell for recess, the bell fell from the
tower and came crashing down on my friends! Luckily they scattered and
it missed them, but I wonder if I would be alive today if I had gone to
school that day.
In the winter the boys made
snow forts across from each other and had snowball wars. The girls
provided ammunition and played nurse to the wounded.
On a more interesting note
– when the community started pushing for a new school, the school
board and old timers in the town fought against it tooth and nail. Most
of the older people had gone to the old school, as had their parents
and grandparents. It was a bitter fight! The old school’s plaster
was falling from the ceiling, and I guess a chunk of it just missed
some kids. There were gaps in the hardwood floors upstairs. The big
kids started a rumor that there was treasure hidden in the ceiling, and
to convince the little kids that it was true, they would drop pennies
through the cracks.
It was a real culture shock
when we moved to Cedar Lake in the middle of my 6th grade.
The kids there were so mean, rude, and hateful compared to the nice
farm kids that I was used to.
A bit of history on the Lake Village School, reproduced from the
"History of Newton County, 1985"